Know Your Surroundings
While on the job site, it is extremely important to be aware of your surroundings. If a worker is not paying attention to what’s happening behind him/her, they can potentially be burned, shocked or even worse critically injured! You should always have a plan on where your designated area will be, and who else will be around you. For example, if a sheet metal cutter is 4 feet away from you, and you don’t notice them, you can get cut or even burned by the sparks!
Be observant of your surroundings! Being mentally aware requires becoming more aware of your everyday surroundings. If you’ve been sent multiple times to the same job site, you start to have a routine and know more or less who and what you’ll be around and where you will be. If you’re starting fresh at a job site, you must learn your surroundings sooner rather than later. Avoid unnecessary distractions, such as your cell phone.
Be sure to listen to instructions and warnings. If there is a safety video playing at the job site, pay close attention and take notes. Do not take safety warnings and precautionary measures lightly, rules are made because they have been broken before.
Lastly, always communicate! For example, if the supervisor on site tells you not to cross the cone, be sure to warn those around you as well. If you witness something that your coworker didn’t notice, give them a heads up! If an accident does happen, notify your supervisor immediately.